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What Causes Bad Indoor Air Quality?

plant and vent

So, how is indoor air more polluted?

Boy, there is nothing like getting home after a day of shopping or working in the big city smog is there? Or is getting home any better when it comes to indoor air quality? Experts tell us that no, the IAQ at home is actually worse than the outdoor air these days. 

In fact, the indoor air quality is five times more polluted than that “fresh” outdoor air. So, get an air purifier and all is well, right? Nope, not exactly. An air purifier will only handle certain things like dust and pollen. The problem with our indoor air quality goes further than those two things. 

That may have surprised many of you, especially those of us that like to open up the windows and let the ‘fresh air’ inside. However, homes today do not have adequate ventilation because we’re all concerned about energy efficiency. We’ve locked ourselves up with the very things that can slowly kill us, those indoor air pollutants. This is especially true of new build homes today; their indoor air quality is really poor.

How does indoor air quality affect our health?  

The short term effects on our indoor air quality comes result in eye and throat irritations. The long term effects are cancer and respiratory disease. What kind of pollutants are creating indoor air quality problems, just what affects indoor air quality?  There are several factors, with the main ones affecting our indoor air quality being: 

  • Chemicals  – perfume and hair spray, cleaning solvents and furniture polish, crafts and hobby supplies, pesticides, carpet dye, carpet fibers, adhesives, glues, sealants, paints, varnish, and air fresheners. 
  • Radon – rock, soil, building materials, and water. 
  • Particles – fireplaces, gas and kerosene heaters, tobacco, woodstoves

Among those things, things like our pets and the humidity, microbes, pests, temperature, and ventilation all impact our indoor air quality. 

How do you test air quality in your home?

Indoor air quality for homes is important for homes with a family member that has allergies or respiratory issues. Before you can improve the IAQ of your home though, you need to know what issues exist in your home’s indoor air quality, if any. 

So, yes, there are companies that will be glad to come test your home’s indoor air quality, for a fee. While that is well worth the money, try a DIY test first, and if you find some issues, then call one of those companies for more accurate and precise testing. The following are three tests you can do yourself to check your home’s indoor air quality: 

Air Quality Mold Testing

Everywhere you go today, indoors, outdoors, everywhere, there are mold spores. But when there is a musty odor, that usually means there are mold spores setting up camp on damp organic surfaces and breeding. Those growing mold spore colonies irritate asthma, allergies, and other respiratory issues. 

With the following steps, you can find if your home is a mold spore breeding ground for harmful mold with your HVAC air filter or the ductwork with these steps with a mold test kit you can purchase at your local home improvement store: 

  • Dampen a clean, sterile sponge in a rinse solution, then wipe an area of the air filter or a supply duct vent.
  • Place that sponge in a rinse container then pour more of the rinse solution over it.
  • Shake the container then pour the contents in a clean sterile cup.
  • Compare the solution’s color to the chart from the test kit. The color will tell you if you have mold growing through the air filter or the ductwork.

Air Quality Radon Testing

For non-smokers, radon is a major cause of lung cancer. This gas is colorless and odorless gas and comes up from uranium that breaks down in the soil under your home. 

In addition to at-home air quality testing kit, you can do the following test, getting the results in 7 days or less. Set a test container filled with activated charcoal granules that will absorb any radon gas that may be in the air. Wait a few days and mail the sealed container to a lab to be analyzed.

Air Quality VOC Testing

VOC (volatile organic compounds) are chemicals off-gassed by household items you use every day, like  benzene, chloroform, formaldehyde, styrene, xylene, and other toxic VOCs. When overexposed, people suffer from headaches and nasal irritations, and it has been linked to cancer and liver damage. There is a VOC detection kit that can test the indoor air quality within 24 hours.  Purchase the kit and follow the instructions, then sent off to the lab for analyzing. 

How can I improve indoor air quality?

No matter what and  how to fix indoor air quality you may learn and try, you won’t be able to eliminate every allergen inside your home. You can, however, minimize them with some basic changes: 

  • Keep Your House Clean.  Yes, that isn’t a favorite, but it is the first thing on the list. A clean house is a healthier house because it cuts down the animal dander, dust, and mold accumulating.  With a focus on these things, you’ll see (feel) improvement: 
  • Vacuum the carpets and rugs a minimum of once a week with a HEPA filter vacuum. Hardwood flooring will cut the allergens back versus wall-to-wall carpet. 
  • Regular change and wash your bedding and drapes. The recommended temperature is 130° F to remove allergens. Use dust mite–proof covers on your box springs, mattresses, and pillows.
  • Clear out ant clutter. This is where dust builds up and triggers reaction.
  • Get rid of your indoor plants. Yes, they are pretty, but they collect dust and mold then foster more mold growth. Yes, some plants are said to improve indoor air quality with the oxygen they release. However, they can still trigger allergies for a lot of people and can actually cause more problems than they do any good. 
  • Change the air filters.  When you have a HVAC system, the filters must be changed every 30 days. Use an electrostatic filter would be even better to ensure airborne irritants and dust get trapped  and not recirculated. Indoor air quality and hvac systems have built a history that we need to learn from.
  • Have the air ducts cleaned by a professional. They will remove any trapped dust and while there are many that say it doesn’t help much, what little it does is help. 
  • Install an air purifier system or set up room air purifiers. The ionic type of purifiers captures some of the irritants that trigger allergy symptoms. No, they won’t remove all of them, but they will minimize them. 
  • In the damp areas of your home, like the basement, bathrooms, and laundry room, put a dehumidifier unit. This will help with the prevention of  mold growth. Make sure bathrooms are well ventilated and when you see mold, scrub it away. 
  • Even in the midst of winter, open a window for a few minutes every so often to let some fresh outdoor air inside. Use the exhaust fan in the kitchen while cooking to remove any possible air contaminants.
healthy plant

What are common indoor air pollutants?

In the case of indoor air quality, 13 is the unlucky number.  The EPA has listed the following 13 matters as the most common indoor air pollutant. Each of these falls in to either biological pollutant, combustion byproduct, legacy pollutant, or VOCs.

  1. Asbestos
  2. Biological Pollutant
  3. CO – Carbon Monoxide
  4. Cookstoves and Heaters
  5. Formaldehyde
  6. Lead 
  7. Nitrogen Dioxide
  8. Pesticides
  9. Radon Gas
  10. Indoor Particulate Matter
  11. Secondhand Smoke/Environmental Tobacco Smoke
  12. VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds 
  13. Wood Smoke

Need help with your home’s indoor air quality in Riverside, CA? Call 909-797-2788 today!

Is Whole House Purification Necessary?

purifier in a room

What is whole house purification?

There is no place like when we’re concerned about air pollution. Homes today are built to seal tighter, keep the outside weather and pollution outside. Unfortunately, the air isn’t much better inside our homes, and that is where a whole house purification system can help. 

To filter your home’s air as efficient as possible, a whole house purification system is the best way. These are installed to work with your HVAC system, placed inside the return-air ductwork. There they do their job of attracting and trapping those particles that affect the air we breathe as the air passes through. There are two types of household air filters today: 

  • Media Filters: These creates a barrier to trap the smallest of particles. 
  • Electronic Filters: These have a high-voltage charge that attracts and traps contaminants. 

 Do air purifiers work for whole house?

There are whole house purification systems that will clean the air for the entire house, improving the indoor air quality. There are two types of whole house purifiers. One is where a filter is placed in the HVAC system’s air return. The other is an electronic system that is connected to the ductwork. 

Either of these will work in conjunction with the HVAC system, removing pollutants throughout the entire home as the air passes through the filter. There are units on the market claiming to be a whole house purification system when in fact they are only a room air purifier and may purify the air in two rooms depending on the square footage. 

Why whole house purification? 

Rating the effectiveness of a whole house purification objectively isn’t possible because of the different factors and variables that can affect a system. Those factors and variables include: 

  • The ductwork layout of your home
  • The location and number of return air grates
  • The existing HVAC system
  • The condition of the home in regard to dust, mold problems, pets, smokers, etc.

Recommended types of whole house purifications would be as follows: 

  • For particulate pollutants like mold spores, pet dander, pollen, and tobacco smoke, a whole house air purification system with a HEPA filter would be the better choice. The filter will need to be changed more frequently to assure the mold doesn’t start growing on the filter. 
  • A simple furnace filter is sufficient for a home with the basic dust and particulate pollutants, with regular filter changes.
  • If getting certain particular odors out of the home like out-gassing materials, paints, tobacco smoke or wood burning fireplaces, a whole house air purification system with a carbon filter stage is recommended. 

Maintaining a regular routine schedule for cleaning and replacing the filters is recommended to have the healthiest indoor air quality possible.

Is whole house purification effective or are air purifiers a waste of money?

If you are considering purchasing a whole house purification system, it can be overwhelming deciding which brand is the best one to get, and will it be worth the money? Yes, all brands of whole house purification systems will claim they are the better choice. So, which one is worthwhile? 

The Environmental Protection agency, (EPA) recommends a whole house purification system as an excellent way to improve your home’s  indoor air quality. With the way homes are built deeply insulated and securely sealed. This makes them more energy efficient, but it doesn’t help with indoor air quality. 

Because they are so tightly cleaning product fumes, dust, and pet dander build up inside. This results in the indoor air quality being as polluted, if not more, than the outdoor air quality. For anyone that has allergies, asthma, or any respiratory issues, it creates a health hazard living condition. This is where a whole house purification system can help. 

purification system

Do you need an air purifier for every room?

What if you can’t afford a whole house purification system, or maybe your home isn’t adaptable to having one installed. Does this mean you’re stuck with poor indoor air quality? 

No, there are individual air purifiers. Does that mean you need one each room in your home? The simple answer is no, but you want to make sure you buy the right one, or the right combination of different room air purifiers. Things you need to consider: 

  • The number and size of the rooms you want to treat.
  • The type of air quality problems you want addressed.

Once you have your room purifiers, where is the best place to put an air purifier in a room? The general idea is to get the best efficiency possible from each room purifier. Location, location, location, is more than just real estate.  Your room air purifiers need to be placed in the best place possible with these considerations:

  • The concentration of pollutants 
  • The indoor airflow 

Based on these factor and the following additional factors, or the seven rules recommended for room air purifiers: 

  1. Place them near the air pollutant problems
  2. Position the air purifier no lower than 3 feet above and not higher than 5 feet. 
  3. Place them where there is a high airflow
  4. Keep the unit out of corners
  5. Keep the vicinity around the unit clear
  6. Do not place where there is high humidity
  7. Keep away from electronic appliances and devices

Once you have your whole house purification system or individual room purifiers in place, your family will start breathing heathier air and feel better. This will also minimize, maybe eliminate doctor visits, and missed days at school and work. Call 909-797-2788 today for your air purifier needs in Riverside, CA.

What is wrong with my central heating system?

HVAC units

What do I do if my heat isn’t working?  

In Southern California, central heating repair may not be as rare as the rest of the country thinks. Yes, even in Southern California, our homes and business need heat, maybe not as much as other states, but when isn’t working, we are on the phone with our central heating repair contractor.

It is never good when the temperature drops, and your central heating is not working! It never fails either that always seems to happen at night, on a holiday or weekend, when a service call is going to cost you three times as much. Before you make that call for central heating repair service, follow these steps and see if you can it working first: 

  1. Make sure the thermostat is on and set on heat.
  2. If your thermostat is programmable, check the schedule is for the right day/time.
  3. If the thermostat is battery-powered, change the batteries.
  4. Check the circuit breaker.
  5. Check the power switch is on inside or near the central heating unit. If it is off, turn it on and see if starts. 
  6. Push the reset button near the central heating unit motor. If no response, wait thirty minutes and push it again. 
  7. Turn the furnace power off at the main panel and check the fuse. If it is blown, replace it, turn the furnace back on. 

How do you diagnose central heating problems?     

When your central heating system isn’t working , it is too easy to panic and pick up the phone to call for central heating repair service. Whether your central heating is gas or electric, before you make that phone call,  try these trouble shooting tips first. Even if you can’t determine the problem, the central heating repair service company may be able to give you some advice to try before scheduling an appointment. 

  • The Power: Make sure you central heating system has power by checking the reset button. Then check the circuit breaker and make sure it hasn’t flipped. If there has been a power outage or power surge, it can turn an electric central heating system off. 
  • The Thermostat: Many central heating repair service calls are as simple as the thermostat is turned off, at the wrong setting, or the batteries need replacing. Save yourself a service call fee and troubleshoot the thermostat first by setting the temperature three to five degrees higher and see if the system turns on and is blowing heated air. If that doesn’t get your central heating repaired, go to the next step.
  • Circuit Breakers and Fuses: Make sure the circuit breaker in the electric panel is on.. If your electric panel has fuses, make sure the furnace fuse is good and replace it if needed. 
  • Dirty Furnace: If your electrical furnace is dirty, it hasn’t been working as efficiently as it should and that could be why it isn’t working now. Change or clean the filter and while the filter is out,  inside the panel where the filter is located, vacuum the excess dust off the components. Be sure to turn the furnace off before vacuuming.
  • The Fan: The heater may be working, but the blower motor or fan may not be working right and distributing the warm air through the house. Check that the fan switch is on or in auto position at the thermostat and if the fan doesn’t turn on, you need call for central heating repair service. If your central heating is noisy lately, it could be the motor or the belt, which will need to be replaced by a qualified service technician. 
  • Still Not Heating: Once you have tried all the things listed here, you still aren’t getting heat, then try resetting your central heat unit. If still no heat, then you need professional central heating repair service. 

How do I reset my central heating system?

Locate which circuit breaker is for the HVAC system and flip it to off. Now wait thirty seconds off then flip to back on and check the thermostat setting is in the heat mode with proper temperature setting. Many times, a central heating repair service technician will follow these same steps when they are checking a system.

How do I know if my central heating thermostat is broken?

If you have a bad thermostat, it isn’t doing an efficient job even if it is still working, and that is costing you money each month!  If your thermostat is experiencing and of these problems, replace the thermostat or have a central heating repair company replace it for you: 

  • HVAC Doesn’t Turn On: This is the most obvious indication of a bad thermostat. If you can’t turn on the cooling or heating at the thermostat, it needs to be replaced.  
  • Thermostat Not Responding: When you change the temperature setting on your thermostat and it doesn’t respond right away and you hear clicking before the air or heat start, the thermostat needs to be replaced.  
  • Short Cycling HVAC: A short-cycling HVAC system is not being efficient or effective because it isn’t completely cooling or heating your home. This is a typical thermostat issue and should be replaced.  
  • Programmed Settings Lost: With a programmable thermostat, the setting should be set for a long time. If they keep disappearing and replacing the battery doesn’t help, it is time to replace the thermostat. 
furnace unit inside

What causes central heat to stop working?

 There could be any number of reason why your central heat has stopped working. Here are the most common reasons: 

  • No warm air after setting the thermostat system to the desired setting could be a tripped circuit breaker or an issue with the electrical wiring. Check the breaker if that isn’t the issue, then you’ll need to schedule professional central heating repair service. 
  • Air Isn’t getting to the desired temperature  but it is circulating, there could be leaks in the duct work. You can check this out yourself in the attic or call for air duct service.  
  • The temperature is fluctuating with uneven temperatures, or one room cold while the others are comfortable. This is often an thermostat issue, but it could be air duct issue.  
  • Blocked or dirt air filter will keep the heat or air conditioning from working as efficient as they should in delivering the cool or warm air desired throughout the house.
  • Gas pilot light won’t ignite will keep the central heat from working if you have a gas system. Turn the HVAC system off completely for 5 minutes then turn it back on. If the pilot light doesn’t start up, call for professional central heating service. 

Once a professional has come out and inspected the furnace, they may recommend it is time for a new central heating installation. Don’t feel you need to take what they are offering, call for other estimates and shop for a new system. Remember the lower the price could be the lower the quality and service. However, highest price doesn’t mean you’re getting the best deal either. Call 909-797-2788 today for your heating system repair in Riverside, CA.

How long do gas furnaces last?

gas furnace burner

Heating your home

There are different ways to heat a home, which way you choose can be dependent on what energy source is available. You may have central heat which can be powered by electricity or gas, space heaters, which can be powered by electricity or gas too, and boilers. In this piece today, we’re going to discuss gas furnace heating. 

A frequent question from common fear by the unknown is, “Can a furnace explode?” and the answer is yes, but not likely if the gas furnace is maintained.  Although a gas furnace does have possibilities of catching on fire or exploding, it is unlikely. When any possible danger is present, the furnace usually shuts off. With a regular maintenance routine by the homeowner and annual inspections, the chances of a gas furnace fire or explosion are further reduced. 

Do gas furnaces need to be cleaned?

When you have a gas furnace, gas furnace cleaning is number one thing in maintenance to assure the safety of having a gas furnace. The basic rule-of-thumb is to change or clean the filter monthly and have your gas furnace professional cleaned and inspected once a year, just before winter arrives.  

As a homeowner, you should invest an hour or two yourself with basic gas furnace cleaning as well. Along with the annual professional gas furnace cleaning and inspection, you can avoid those emergency repairs and keep your furnace in peak operating condition. To do a basic gas furnace cleaning, follow these steps: 

  1. Turn the electricity off at the breaker box and the gas off at the valve with a one-fourth turn. 
  2. Clean the exterior surface with damp rag then remove the access door by and the burner cover. Using your household vacuum or a shop vac, carefully vacuum the burners, the furnace base, and inside the blower door compartment. If you notice any soot, schedule a professional gas furnace service call. 
  3. Using a socket and ratchet, you can remove the blower by unscrewing the control panel and removing the blower motor gently. Then carefully clean the blower, caution not to disturb the counterweights on the fan blades or the electrical wiring.  
  4. Clean the pilot or igniter by blowing through a drinking straw. 
  5. Lightly clean the flame sensor with a fine emery cloth then slide it back. 
  6. Inspect the drive belt for any cracks or fraying, replace the belt if needed. 
  7. Remove the oil caps and clean, then lubricate the blower motor and shaft bearings with two to three drops of lubricating oil, be careful not to over lubricate.
  8. Clean or replace the air filter.
  9. Turn the electricity and gas back on and activate the burners by turning the thermostat on. If the flames are blue and even, all is good. If there are yellow flames, the burners are dirty and will need professional cleaning.  

How often should you replace your furnace?

Expect to replace your gas furnace every 15 years if you have maintained it each month by cleaning or replacing the filter and scheduled annual professional cleaning and inspections. After the 12th year, your gas furnace technician may recommend twice a year inspections to get the most gas furnace efficiency possible. Some gas furnace may last up to twenty years.

How do you know if your furnace is dying?

All household appliances will begin to be replaced at some point as they become inefficient and need frequent repairs.  The indications that can tell you a new gas furnace is needed are: 

  • The Furnace Age: When a furnace has reached a 10 year mark, it will likely begin needing frequent repairs. By the 12th year, unless proper maintenance by the homeowner and regular professional appointments are kept, it likely won’t last much longer.
  • Several Major Repairs: When your gas furnace requires  continuous repairs, consider the cost of the repairs versus the cost of a new system that will come with a warranty. 
  • The Flames are Yellow: With a natural gas furnace, you should have crisp, even blue flames. If there are yellow flames, the gas furnace needs cleaning or has a gas leak. Both of these require professional gas furnace service. 
  • Energy Bills Increased: When a gas furnace begins being inefficient in heating the house and the gas bill is going up, it is time to have a professional contractor inspect the unit. 

Is a loud furnace dangerous?

It could be and it isn’t worth the risk to ignore it as “just noisy”.  Any loud or weird sounds from a gas furnace should be checked out by a professional. Turning off the gas until it is checked by a professional is recommended, with those noises including any of the following: 

Bang or Boom: This could be a gas build-up in the furnace system and should not be ignored. The heat exchanger could crack or dirty burners and that becomes an even more dangerous situation. Call professional gas furnace technician for an inspection and cleaning. 

Bangs and booms can also because by ducts contracting and expanding.  the burners as part of the tune-up. If is the ducts, your gas furnace technician may be able to adjust things to minimize that as well.  Sometimes, a dirty air filter can cause noises in a gas furnace, so check that too. 

Metal to Metal:  Loud clanking or scraping sounds are possible indication of the blower wheel. Turn the gas furnace off and call for professional gas furnace service. Some possible issues 

  • The blower fan came loose and is hitting the house casing. 
  • The blower fan is broken.
  • If the part that holds the blower and motor assembly has broken.

Rattling: When a gas furnace has rattling sounds, it may be a panel has loosened or a screw is loose. You may be able to tighten these yourself without having to make a service call. 

Rumbling: A rumbling sound is normally an indication the gas furnace has not been maintained and is dirty and the pilot light needs adjusting. 

High-Pitched Screeching or Squealing:  Call your professional gas furnace technician for an inspection. This is typically one of the following: 

  • Blower or motor belt
  • Shaft bearings 
  • Malfunctioning blower motor
cleaning gas furnace

When a gas furnace smells like burning, what does that mean?

This is normal when the gas furnace has been off all through spring and summer because the unit has collected dust. For the first hour or so, the dirt and dust accumulated are burning off the furnace, creating that burning smell. 

No matter how you heat your home, central HVAC, a gas furnace or boiler, maintenance is key in having a good operating heating system. Taking care of the unit during the winter and then have it checked before winter arrives will minimize, even eliminate the possibility of emergency service calls. Call 909-797-2788 today!

How often do you need to replace your air conditioner?

air conditioner system outside near wild flowers

Keeping your home cool

No matter what part of the country you’re in, when the dead of summer arrives, you need your air conditioner to work.  Especially in the southern part of California, when July comes dragging in across the desert, you don’t want to be thinking about an air conditioner replacement. You want to turn it on, and cold air blows out. So, is that too much to ask of an air conditioner?

Not if you take care of it with proper maintenance. What does proper maintenance mean? The main thing you should do as a homeowner that will give you the longest lifespan from your air conditioner, replacement filters, or cleaning them if you have permanent filters, every 30 days, year-round. Another step you can do is clean the air ducts and vents, air conditioner replacement vents as needed, and have an annual professional inspection of the entire system.

Yes, this may cost a bit of your time and some money, like having a professional inspection done, it is cheaper than paying for an air conditioner replacement. Even if the professional air conditioning technician finds that air conditioner replacement parts are needed to improve your system functioning, it is cheaper than buying a new air conditioner replacement in the middle of the summer.

Can I replace my own air conditioner?

You can, but there are advantages to having it professionally installed. Yes, most HVAC companies work with certain air conditioner brands and will recommend those based on factors of your home and usage. When you install your own air conditioner, you have a variety of which brand to choose.

Hiring a professional to install your air conditioner replacement, you’ll have a warranty to work done. If there are any issues with the replacement, they’re responsible for repairing or replacing. Another benefit of having a professional air conditioning technician install your new system is the refrigerant.  To purchase this material and install it, you must be a licensed technician.

How many years should an air conditioner last?

Unfortunately, there isn’t any definitive answer to that question. As you’re shopping for an air conditioner replacement and having sticker shock, you’d probably like to know that it will outlive you. Still, realistically, the life expectancy of this vital home component can vary from unit to unit and home to home.

The quality of the air conditioner you choose will make a big difference in its lifespan, along with the quality of the installation job. How well you do at maintenance and upkeep will be a big part of how long it lasts.  If a significant issue happens, is the cost worthy of the air conditioner it fixes it or is an air conditioner replacement the better choice?

It will depend on the age of the unit and what is wrong. How do you know if an air conditioner replacement is the better option than repairing the unit? Here are some indications that a replacement is your only choice:

  1. Constant Repair Technician Calls: If you have to call a repair technician constantly, your air conditioning unit is probably costing you more than a new air conditioner replacement would. A general rule to determine this: if the repair costs have reached half the cost of an air conditioner replacement, get the new one.
  2. The House Is Evenly Cooled: If one room feels cooler than the other rooms or the rooms, all have a different temperature, and your current air conditioner is probably small for your house. If your home feels humid even with the air conditioner on, it is time to get an air conditioner replacement unit.
  3. Unusual Odors: An air conditioner should never emit a questionable or strange odor. If that odor is moldy or musty, make that repair call for a professional technician, but be prepared for the news: time to buy that air conditioner replacement.  If you’re lucky, cleaning the drip pan and few adjustments may fix the unit, but don’t be surprised if the technician tells you the unit isn’t worthy of repair.
  4. Unusual Noises: Are you hearing banging, grinding, rattling, or squealing sounds coming from your air conditioner system?  This could be a simple blockage from debris and dust, so do general cleaning and replace the filter. However, if you still hear these noises after that, it could be the compressor or motor that is going out, and if it is 15 years old or older, then it is time for an air conditioner replacement unit.
  5. Escalating Energy Bills: A large part of our energy bill during the summer goes to cool our homes, it’s just a given, especially in southern parts of the country. However, if you are noticing extremely high energy bills, it could be your air conditioning unit isn’t cooling efficiently, a common issue for units that are 15 years or older. At this point, you need to consider the cost of repairs you’ve paid and the cost of your energy bills: Will an air conditioner replacement unit.  
  6. Requires R-22 Refrigerant: If your air conditioner requires R-22 refrigerant, it is at least ten years old, probably older. R-22 contains environmentally dangerous ozone-depleting agents that have been made illegal by the Environmental Protection Agency. If your unit needs a charge, the repair technician will advise you of this, and your only option is to purchase an air conditioner replacement.
  7. Your Home Is Dustier: Dust builds up in an air conditioner and blows it through your home’s duct vents.  You should have the duct system inspected and cleaned, but if the system is old, ten years or older, an air conditioner replacement may be in order.
two exterior hvac systems

How long should your AC run a day?

In mild temperatures and a perfect situation, your air conditioner should not run more than twenty minutes at one time. If it is running less than twenty minutes, there is a good chance your air conditioner could be too big for your home.  Keep in mind, the lower the setting on your thermostat in the summer, the longer the unit has to run to reach and maintain that temperature. You can help your energy bills by adjusting the thermostat by two to three degrees. If the temperature setting isn’t keeping your home comfortable, consider buying an air conditioner replacement.

Is it bad for AC to run constantly? Yes! It is also an indication that the system you have is too small and is struggling to cool and keep your home cool.  How is a constant running air conditioner system bad? The pressure in the evaporator will freeze over, and the liquid refrigerant will flood into the compressor, damaging it and possibly the entire air conditioning system. When you need air conditioner replacement in Riverside, CA, call 909-797-2788 today!

How to Perform AC Maintenance

hvac technician checking capacitor on air conditioner

Learn More About AC Maintenance

The systems of your property will require maintenance and upkeep periodically in order to function properly and for a long time. When it comes to your HVAC system, AC maintenance will allow for better airflow and steady cool airflow during the changing seasons. The parts of your AC system are connected to one another and will often be affected if one area is undergoing neglect and clean conditions. In order to address all parts of the unit having a professional technician look at your unit is recommended. Get in touch with your local HVAC company to learn more about your options for AC maintenance, until then here is some general information that may prove useful.

What is AC maintenance?

AC maintenance involves clean up and upkeep for different parts of an AC unit in order to function effectively and efficiently as the years pass. By neglecting the duties of maintaining the coils, filter, fins, etc of an AC unit the performance will steadily decline while the energy use raises.

What happens if AC is not serviced?

If your AC is not routinely taken care of than the functions will decrease as they will fight to work through unclean or blocked parts. With filters, for example, you won’t be able to send cool air through the room as easily since airflow is blocked. This will have your AC use more energy to maintain room temperatures and therefore heighten energy bills.

How often should you have your air conditioner serviced?

Make sure to have your AC serviced at least once a year along with the heating system. Springtime is usually the season that’s recommended yet check on it as part of your routine housekeeping in case it needs to be taken care of sooner.

Are AC maintenance plans worth it?

AC maintenance plans may be worth it for systems that aren’t as new and may not require so many services. As such, they may cost a hundred or so dollars depending on the number of services offered with an AC maintenance plan. 

What does AC maintenance include?

Typically AC maintenance should include a few factors like checking the blower, coils, motor, drain lines, refrigerant levels, connections, return and supply lines, and operating temperatures and pressures.

Air conditioner cleaning process and service

How do I take care of my air conditioner?

  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Change the air filter once a month
  • Keep coils clean
  • Check the fins
  • Inspect condensate drain
  • Schedule AC maintenance

Is it OK to spray water on your air conditioner?

If you’re looking to instill a small amount of an AC maintenance improvement to your system you may be able to spray water on the condenser in order to promote cool evaporation on the device. This will reduce energy consumption as it won’t overheat. Essentially the AC will work by taking the hot air that’s present inside the house and moves it outside.

How long does an AC tune up take?

An AC tune-up when getting AC maintenance will take up to an hour depending on the configuration of the system. If more refrigerant is needed than expect an added amount of time to be allotted from 30-45 minutes.

How do I increase AC airflow?

AC maintenance duties should be performed in order to remedy the trouble of airflow. The first place you’ll want to check is your vents and registers to see if perhaps they are actually halfway open or closed. Make sure to angle the vents towards the ceiling so that air can bounce and hit more angles of the room. An area of concern could be items in the air duct or dirty filters which can impede the progression of air transference. Another thing to consider would be cleaning the ducts or updating them if they are on the older side.

Why is my AC blowing weak?

If there is weak airflow your coils may be dirty. The evaporator coil will need air to blow over it in order to continue the progression of the AC system. A dirty coil can be the result of a dirty air filter that is causing clogged dust and dirt to travel to other areas of the system. 

Contact Your Local HVAC Company

It’s important to realize that one part of your AC system being compromised can, in turn, affect other areas of the AC. That’s why getting AC maintenance from a professional is recommended in order for the whole system to be addressed and taken care of at once. Your comfort in having cool air with efficient airflow is a necessity. In order for your AC to work for a long time without wasting energy make sure to have your AC maintenance scheduled annually. Your local HVAC company will be more than able to help with their knowledge and expertise on a variety of systems. Rely on your local HVAC company for AC maintenance today.

If you require assistance with AC maintenance in Riverside, CA call 909-797-2788 with Aire-Rite Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.!

How Can I Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Testing the air quality in an HVAC system.

How Can I Improve Indoor Air Quality?

There are no two ways about it; indoor air quality and health are inexorably linked. There have even been studies conducted that suggest that indoor air quality and productivity are related as well. But knowing that health and indoor air quality go hand in hand is only half the battle. The question remains – what can you do to improve the quality of your indoor air? That is the question we will be tackling today as well as a slew of related questions. Here at Aire-Rite Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., it is our goal to help you and your family live a comfortable and healthy life – at least in your home. We offer a number of indoor air quality services that take into account all the factors that play a part in your indoor air quality. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, asthma, dry throat or any other kind of sinus issues, you may be at an elevated risk of inflammation and irritation caused by poor indoor air quality. If you feel that your indoor air quality is compromised, call an expert HVAC company for an evaluation and estimate as soon as you can.

What are the Symptoms of Bad Air Quality in the Home?

The first and most important step in making your home a healthier place to breathe is knowing the symptoms of compromised indoor air quality. Indoor air quality is affected by a number of factors including humidity, ventilation, temperature fluctuations, pets, microbes, the influx of polluted outdoor air and particulate matter that is sourced from inside the home (dead skin, hair, dust mites, etc.). All of these factors and more can cause a number of symptoms. If your indoor air is in fact significantly contaminated, you may experience dry throat, trouble breathing, nausea, fatigue, frequent headaches, coughing, sneezing, dry eyes, watery eyes, itchy eyes and more. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms in the home but not so much elsewhere, chances are your indoor air quality is poor. The presence of mold in your house will also adversely affect the quality of your indoor air which leads us to the next question.

How do you tell if there are Mold Spores in the Air?

If mold is growing in or around your house, it could be a serious problem. Mold growth emits dangerous spores in the air that can affect your health and destroy your home. The most common sign that there is mold in your home is an inexplicable damp or musty smell. If you have experienced a spike in allergic symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and irritated eyes, these may also be signs that you have mold spores floating around in your indoor air. Indoor air quality and mold testing should also go hand in hand. If you suspect mold in your home, you need to hire a professional to test your home and handle any HVAC or purification repairs needed.

A plant under an air vent.

What to do Next

If you have read up to this point and are concerned about your indoor air quality, you may be pondering your next move. Questions like ‘do candles purify the air?’ and ‘what can I do to improve my indoor air quality myself?’ may be racing through your mind. But don’t worry, these are good questions to ask and we will do our best to answer the most burning ones here for you.

How do you Test Indoor Air Quality?

There are many ways you can learn about indoor air quality in your home. First, you can purchase an indoor air monitor or an air purifier that comes with a built-in air quality monitoring system. You can also check your home regularly for signs of mold: discolored drywall, sunken ceilings, musty smells, etc. But the most effective way to find out what your indoor air is like is to hire a professional to test it.

Do Candles Purify the Air?

By and large, no. Your average scented candles will not actually purify the air – in fact, they can do more to pollute it. The only types of candles that can help clean your indoor air are beeswax candles because they emit negative ions that bind to airborne toxins and neutralize them.

What do you do When Air Quality is Unhealthy?

There are many steps you can take to improve the quality of your indoor air. For instance, moving your houseplants outdoors may immediately help clean your indoor air since plants can attract moisture and mold. Investing in an air filter for your HVAC unit is an effective way of limiting contaminants as small as 0.03 microns. But again, the most effective step you can take to improve indoor air quality is to seek the help of a professional. We hope you have found this post helpful and if you have any questions or concerns about your indoor air quality in Riverside, CA call Aire-Rite Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. at 909-797-2788 today.